Self Love
I found my way back to myself.
Welcome to a Judgment-Free, Safe & Sacred Sex Positive Space!
About Me:
I am deeply passionate about healing the world through pleasure, about truth in relating, about choice and voice, about empowerment and about joyful living. I focus on sex positivity and the importance of sensuality and masturbation in our lives.
Core belief: our body wants to turn towards health and wellness in the same way a plant wants to turn towards the sun. I help people find their sun. Because knowing yourself and your own body makes you happy and whole. It also makes for better community and a healthier planet.
I am: like you, I am so many different beautiful and contrary and complicated facets. Including… a certified Betty Dodson Bodysex Facilitator and Orgasm Coach, Somatic Sex Educator & Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Mother of two, Entrepreneur, Life-Long Learner, Wife, Advocate, and Friend. I am also a Betty Martin School of Consent teacher.
I heart: skinny dipping, laughter, time in the woods, being on the mountain, strong women, a sense of humor, dogs, adventure, intimacy, integrity and beauty of all kinds.
Cheers to a Pleasure-Filled Life!
My Journey:
I've been happily married for 28 years, but had lost my sexual self somewhere between the piles of laundry and dishes. My libido was sacrificed to the greater good of carpools to and from soccer and dance. My sexual self was repressed by my professional self, as I dedicated myself to work and paying the bills. Walking the dog, and going to and giving dinner parties for friends meant little time for myself. Besides, I didn't care much about having more than routine sex. At some point, I had locked desire away. It was sacrificed to emotional intimacy on the alter of marriage and children and family.
I think most marriages suffer from this. It's part boredom and part frantic busy-ness as we run around the hamster wheel as quickly as we can. The pretty picture of 2.5 kids with loving husband and beautiful house just wasn't making me happy. I was a loving mom and wife but I wasn't very satisfied. Something was wrong and I didn't know what. I was tired; maybe even bored. I didn't feel sexy. I was fat. Meanwhile, my kids were growing up and I was growing older and I just kept thinking there's got to be more than this.
I had a million excuses, but the bottom line was that I just wasn't all that interested in sex. It was kind of like going to the gym, I knew it would be good for me but it was hard to motivate. And most of the time my running shoes just sat collecting dust, in the same way I denied myself anything more than snack-sized bites of sexual pleasure.
Fast forward 5 years and I feel worthy. I found the secret key: Newsflash darlings - Pleasure is a Priority! If you've got food on the table and a roof over your head and can afford the basics, you've got enough. Start focusing on your own pleasure. I found myself, and guess what? I'm sexy and fun and happy and so much more. I'm still a conscious parent and committed partner. Only now I'm truly ALIVE. I opened a locked box inside myself, and out popped passion and pleasure and pure joy. It's life changing and amazing. I'm now a certified Betty Dodson Bodysex Instructor and Orgasm Coach, as well as a Somatic Sex Educator and Sexological Bodyworker (see below if you’re wondering what that is!) and certified School of Consent Instructor. I focus on sex positivity and the importance of masturbation in our lives. Knowing yourself and your own body makes you a better partner and lover.
"I found my way back to myself. And to a profound sense of aliveness, joy and connection."
In order to be able to truly love another person, a person needs first to love oneself, in the way of respecting oneself, and knowing oneself (e.g. being realistic and honest about one's strengths and weaknesses) - Erich Fromm
The belief you hold that you are a valuable and worthy person.
Still not sure what self-love looks like? I heart this list, which includes things like:
Giving our body the nurturing it needs
Building a life we love
Accepting ourselves - the good, the bad, & the ugly
Spending some quality, connected time with ourselves
Loving & accepting ourselves, even when we fail miserably
And speaking of partner, I have been fortunate enough to have a loving, supportive partner. Tired and bored with “obligatory, duty sex”, and hungry for more connection and creativity, he encouraged me to find myself. I could have done it without him, but it was a helluva lot easier to have his support and love. If you have someone like that, feel into their love and be grateful. Even so, you might need extra support. That’s where I come in! And if you don’t have a loving supportive partner, or want help figuring out how to bring someone along, I can help with that too.
If some of this resonates for you, you're on your way! I'd love to join you on your journey. If you're interested in taking a Bodysex workshop, more information is here. If you have a sex or relationship question for me, you can email or respond to one of my blog postings. I also do one-on-one orgasm and relationship coaching for all genders on the rainbow spectrum. Wishing you much embodied joy!
All my love, Amy
P.S. If you just can't get enough and want to know more, please see the blog posting entitled Welcome & About Me.
Learn more about Somatic Sex Education & Sexological Bodyworkers
I am a certified member of both organizations and follow their code of ethics. (SSEA and ACSB)
Our primary commitment is to the health, well-being, and safety of our clients.
Somatic Sex Education is a safe way for people to explore and heal their sexuality, because we are ethical practitioners who work within clear boundaries and roles.
Sexological Bodywork is an International training developed by Joseph Kramer and recognized by the Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists (ASIS). My training was through the Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education (ISSSE).
I am proud to be a supporting member of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT).
Additional Training:
Certified Betty Dodson Bodysex Facilitator & Orgasm Coach
Certified Teacher for Betty Martin’s School of Consent /Wheel of Consent Workshop Facilitator
Betty Martin’s School of Consent Like A Pro Training on The Wheel of Consent. 40+ hours
Foundations in Somatic Abolitionism for White Bodies October 2022 (14 Hours) credential from Education for Racial Equity
While serving in various sales positions and climbing the corporate ladder with my MBA and my brain, I wore a lot of hats and created substantial value for various companies and clients. However along the way I found myself wearing my body as a set of clothes for my mind. I lost myself. Sound familiar?
So if you're struggling to find your groove or your orgasm, want a more satisfying sensual connection to your body, or have questions about sexual fulfillment, give me a call. Please don't strive to survive, strive to thrive and live the life you're fully capable of - one of joy and love, passion and confidence. Want a free 15 minute consultation to chat, assess things and see if we might work well together? Please contact me here.