Celebrating Pleasure

Introduction to Erotic Meditation - offered upon request and to private parties

Discover a personal erotic wellness practice to awaken, restore, and expand the full spectrum of pleasure available to you. Erotic Meditation is about developing, or reclaiming, your eroticism. If that's a scary word or concept for you, think sensuality or eros instead. Some people practice it to reawaken awesome feelings in their body. Others practice it to discover those feelings for the first time. It shares a lot in common to what many would refer to as Mindful Masturbation Practice or Mindful Masturbation Meditation (MMM! - yummy!).

At this unique workshop, the intention and process of Erotic Meditation will be discussed, as well as how and why to develop a personal EM practice that will be transformative and enriching. You will be invited to enjoy a guided, embodied EM exercise (fully clothed) as a part of the workshop as well. In this erotic trance-like state, you may become aware of your body as a source of wisdom, happiness and freedom. This is followed by a facilitated conversation about this powerful experience. You will also take home a handout with additional exercises and resources.

All colors / flavors of the gender spectrum are welcome!

Co Facilitated with Karey Iven, Sexological Bodyworker, PleasureWorks.net

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