Online Bodysex Workshop:
Saturdays starting 2/20/21
Hope to see you in the circle soon!
Six-Week Series: Saturdays, 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 (no class on 3/13)
4-6pm Pacific Time / 7-9pm Eastern Time.
About Bodysex: The Pleasure is Ours. Hell YES, It Is!
This is a transformative and indescribable workshop: a place to talk openly about your sexuality - the good, the bad and the ugly; a place to safely unmask and embrace yourself; a place to unlock your power, your pleasure, your orgasm - and start to shine, to radiate, to change your life. It’s about empowerment and healing through pleasure. It’s about permission and self-love. And it’s about celebration of the divine feminine. All that - it’s truly an experience like no other; one I wish every woman could have!
While I’m offering this workshop in person in July, I simply cannot wait any longer to bring this work to more of my sisters!
With the unconditional love and support from a small group of like-minded sisters, your life will change. You'll live confidently & passionately. You'll be the woman* you know you can be, who you're truly meant to be! Bold claims indeed. But I've been where you are. I've lived this. And I know how transformative this workshop is. It's why I'm doing this work. It's a calling. Really. I'm so sure, that I back this workshop up with a money-back guarantee. Don't let fear of failure or vulnerability or shame get in the way. If you're ready for change, now is the time for bold action. I look forward to welcoming you into the sacred circle of Bodysex!
Note: If the circle is too scary for you, I also offer one-on-one Virtual Bodysex as well.
Embrace Yourself. Ditch Body Shame. Celebrate Pleasure.
This Workshop Is…
Online via Zoom and includes homeplay between sessions
Empowering! No nudity is required. Actually nothing is required. Participation can take many forms and we urge you to tune into your body for your hell yes, hell no, and everything in between. If you’re not sure how to do this, not to worry. This is part of what we will learn together!
For vulva-owners interested in learning: what you like and want, about anatomy and how to access pleasure in the body, Betty’s rock ‘n roll orgasm technique along with other ways of self pleasure, how to truly embrace yourself
This unique workshop has been taught by famed sexologist, Betty Dodson, for over 40 years. Because it works, the Joyful Self Love Institute is now offering the same signature Betty Dodson Bodysex Workshop in this unique 6 week, online form.
Love Your Body. Liberate Yourself. Experience Joy in Sisterhood.
Like our ancestors, we gather in a circle with a small group of women*. We share stories of our bodies, ourselves and our orgasms. Together we explore female anatomy, sexuality, orgasm, masturbation body image and pleasure. We practice various masturbation techniques to learn what works for each of us. This workshop is clothing optional, but it’s not sexual. The power of the circle and the Bodysex workshop will forever change you. Come discover your best self!
*If you are a vulva-owner, you're welcome in this circle. No matter your sex at birth, age, sexual orientation, race, or country of origin. You're invited to join this circle of sisterhood and I will do my best to ensure you feel safe and supported.
“This workshop was a completely safe place in which I could be open, honest and transparent.”
“The Bodysex Workshop is more than an exercise in physical self-love. It is an expansion of self-knowledge and acceptance –the act of willingly embracing the gift of being a vital, potent woman.”
“Are you open to learning where your real power is? Don’t let the name of the workshop scare you, think of it as an exciting adventure into your own womanhood. I discovered so much about myself – I LOVED it. It was an amazing experience and Amy was sensational – authentic, thoughtful, honest and a true educator on the womanly arts.
“This is a process for me, but I have more freedom, less shame and clearly see that I am unique.”
“The healing part, in the company of other women who have experienced their own nightmares, cannot be replicated in other places.”
Workshop Details
Dates: Saturdays, 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 (no class on 3/13)
Time: 4-6pm Pacific Time / 7-9pm Eastern Time.
Price: $499.
Scholarships: We are offering 2 scholarships for financial hardship and bipoc women. Please email me if this is you.
Join Us in the Sacred Circle - Reserve Your Spot Below
Sample Course Work:
In this workshop we will share our authentic selves with women on a similar journey. This is an educational and experiential workshop; participate fully to the extent you're able.
Bodies & Orgasms. We'll talk about how we feel about our bodies and our orgasms. This is first-person sharing, and you'll be amazed at both the similarities and the differences. You probably haven't really shared this with anyone else. I hadn't - and at the time of my first Bodysex I had been happily married for 20 years! Our sex negative culture, combined with hyper-sexualization equates to body shame and violence against women. Consequently, most of us don't talk to other women, or our partners, about how we really feel about our bodies and our orgasms.
Genital Show & Tell. You're not in Kindergarten anymore, Dorothy! If you've ever felt abnormal "down there", you're not. If you've wondered if other women look like you, some do and some don't. There's a huge variety in style and color, and all pussies are incredibly beautiful. Why don't we learn this in school?! We'll learn about our own anatomy and the wide range of pussy styles by viewing Betty Dodson's detailed drawings, then take turns looking at and admiring each other. Again, I will go first. And again, you are in charge of setting your own boundaries and deciding whether or not you want to participate and to what extent. Just know that pussy adoration means pussy power, and you won't believe how incredibly powerful this ritual is.
Masturbation Discussion. We'll talk about how we feel about masturbation and the art of pleasuring ourselves. We'll also learn different types of masturbation techniques, about different types of orgasm and toys, and practice Betty's famous Rock 'n Roll technique. This particular technique uses Betty's barbell and the Hitachi Magic Wand.
Erotic Recess. This is group masturbation. I know. Again, it sounds terrifying. The reality is that it's incredibly beautiful to make love to yourself with a group of sisters all doing the same thing - alone but together. Orgasm isn't the goal here. Self love and acceptance are. I personally had never been able to orgasm during masturbation until this very workshop. I probably sound like a broken record, but the theme of the workshop is self-love, positive body image, acceptance and awareness of your body, your sensuality and your feelings. Participate to the extent possible, knowing that the more you put in, the more you get out.
Reflection Circle. We will end each session with a “clittail” (why call them cocktails?!) and informal Q&A, along with reflection on all we learned. We will also just hang out with our Bodysex sisters.
If you have any questions about whether this workshop is right for you, please request a 15 minute free consultation, here. And check out the FAQs below.
The Joyful Self Love Institute promotes positive body image and self-love to women of all shapes, sizes and ages. We create sisterhood, heal body shame and celebrate pleasure.
Our workshops empower women to feel whole, loved and beautiful. Body shame and regret are replaced with hope and an understanding of the power that comes from shared feminine sexuality and knowledge of our own bodies. This life changing and magical work is accomplished through education about our bodies and the power of masturbation. We are our own best lovers.
About Workshop Facilitator, Amy Weissfeld
An unabashed hedonist, Amy’s life goal is to empower people to enjoy the pleasure of their own bodies and to heal body shame. We each have the power to transform ourselves into healthier, authentic and loving beings. Tapping into our sexual power and letting go of culturally induced body shame and repression are crucial steps, and Amy enjoys guiding women along the path she herself has stumbled upon.
Amy is a certified Betty Dodson Bodysex Facilitator and Orgasm Coach, Sex & Consent Educator, Mother of two, Wife, and Friend. She focuses on sex positivity and the importance of masturbation in our lives. She is also a certified Somatic Sex Educator & Sexological Bodyworker. Want to know more? Click here. Or check out the professional Somatic Sex Educators Association, of which I am a member.
Core belief: knowing yourself and your own body makes you a happier person, a better partner, and an improved lover.
She loves: skinny dipping, laughter, time in the woods, being on the mountain, strong women, a sense of humor, dogs, adventure, intimacy, integrity and beauty of all kinds.
Amy with Betty Dodson & Carlin Ross at certification workshop
About Workshop Facilitator, Amy E Brandt
It was 1990 when Amy e Brandt (Amye,) first discovered Betty Dodson’s book, Sex For One, in a tiny, women-owned sex toy shop run out of an apartment. She healed her own dysorgasmia, (a condition that didn’t have a name at that time,) with a Hitachi magic wand and Betty’s wise and audacious words.
She believes sexual equity begins with women learning how to please themselves and then teaching their partners because there is no real clit/vulvic centered sexual script presently available in our culture.
Amy’s motto: “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” Angela Davis
She is a certified Kripalu Bodyworker, award-winning artist, a professional, empathic Tarot reader,, and a happy Stunt Cunt, (assisting in Bodysex workshops and demonstrating Betty’s rock-n-roll technique.) Folks who need her message seem to find her in whatever capacity she is working. She has helped hundreds of women heal genital pain, sexual shame, and boredom in their sex lives through deep listening, sharing her story, and self-love practices.
Amye enjoys living alone, sky gazing, making her own plant medicine, the ocean, and rebellion but her greatest joy is flooding the path to sexual liberty with light, so the women coming up behind her can find their way more easily. Each woman who takes control of her own pleasure illuminates that path further, and she loves to watch the growing glow.
Amy E Brandt
Questions? Below are a few common ones, but if you don’t see yours here, please ask me directly! or 503.516.1800. Hope to see you in the circle!
+ Is this workshop for CIS-women only?
No. Anyone with a vulva is welcome, regardless of anatomy at birth. The spirit of Bodysex is about sharing our experiences, embracing ourselves, learning about our anatomy/vulvas and how to increase pleasure. All sisters are welcome as my experience has been that most vulva-owners feel safest being vulnerable in this way with other vulva-owners.
+ What if I have my period?
No problem. I often have my period for workshops. You can use a tampon, menstrual cup, or natural sea sponge during genital show & tell and erotic recess.
+ What if I have a yeast infection?
No problem. I personally use boric acid pills, others use cranberry pills or monistat, but whatever treatment works for you is fine. Just treat yourself as you normally would, and come join us in the circle.
+ What if I can't orgasm?
If you orgasm, great. If you don't, that's ok too. Orgasm is NOT the goal. We're here to heal body shame, overcome sexual guilt and experience true sisterhood. There's no agenda and no expectations.
+ Can I bring my own barbell and wand? Or use something else?
Yes. You can also use any vibrator and dildo you already own if you prefer.
+ Do I have to get naked?
No. You're always at choice. Do what feels right for you in your body.