Celebrating Pleasure

The Wheel of Consent

An Online Embodiment Practice for more Joyful Connection. Saturdays starting May 4, 2024

Hope to see you in the circle soon!

Six-Week Series: 6 Saturdays: 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, (no class on 5/25), 6/1, 6/8, 6/15

10am - Noon Pacific Time / 1-3pm Eastern Time / 6-8pm London Time

About The Wheel of Consent®:

The Wheel of Consent is a simple and powerful tool to improve the quality of your relationships. During these pandemic times, many of us are feeling lost, depressed and isolated. We need touch and joyful connection but we may not know how to get it. We need tools to better communicate what we want and need, to build true intimacy and connection in order to heal and thrive, not just survive.

It provides a new way of thinking and a language to create clear agreements and richer connection. It’s nuanced enough to include awareness of embodied and systemic oppression, is trauma-sensitive, and simple enough to teach to children.

This is truly a foundational practice for all human relating. It's for anyone interested in learning more about themselves and improving the quality of their connection – personal and professional, with lovers, friends, parents, children or colleagues. No prior experience is necessary.

Join me for this powerful 6 week online embodied experience.
I look forward to sharing it with you!

This Experiential, Embodied Workshop Is…

  • Online via Zoom and includes optional Homeplay between Sessions to Extend the Learning

  • Recorded video of the sessions in case you have to miss on occasion

  • Empowering! Learn to Notice, Value and Trust Yourself. Have the Courage to Ask for What You Want, & Feel Safe enough to Receive it

  • Fun. Lean into more Joy & Intimate Connection

  • Transformational! Learn how to Choose for Yourself by understanding the art of Giving & Receiving - who is doing and who it is for

  • A Path to waking up Sensuality – because it's healing and we are worthy

  • Invented by Dr Betty Martin, a former chiropractor, currently a sex and intimacy coach and sexological bodyworker; and certified by The School of Consent.

    Why is it important?
    Consent is an art that is more fun than you think, and the key to relational freedom. It brings clarity, ease, joy, pleasure and spirituality to all our relationships. 

There is a tremendous amount of confusion around the nature of consent— what it actually is — and how we consciously or unconsciously traverse in or out of the boundaries of it with our own bodies and in our relationships with others.

Many people take this workshop to enhance their personal lives. The Wheel of Consent is great for that! What surprises some is how much it affects the rest of life too.

It turns out to be a foundational practice for all human relating. Wow! 


About participation:

You are always empowered with choice and voice, and there are lots of ways to participate in this workshop. At times you will have the opportunity to pair with another participant for an exercise, or to do it solo, or simply to sit and witness. You may change your mind. You may decide to have your camera on or off. There will be lots to feel into and to experiment with. Ultimately this is a somatic, embodied practice so we want you to not just “get it” intellectually, but to feel it in your body. This may be a different kind of learning or experience than you’re used to.

Workshop Details

  • Dates: Saturdays - 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15 (all sessions will be recorded and made available to workshop participants only)

  • Time: 10-Noon Pacific Time / 1-3pm Eastern Time / 6-8pm London Time

  • Price: $350 per person. Or $600 for two. (Payment plans can be accommodated, please contact us). Note that if you’re taking this course with another person, it’s most effective to log in from your own device rather than sharing one.

I’m bowled over at how much richness I received from this course.
THANK YOU! The enduring piece was HUGE. To see everyone’s hands go up in that 3rd session was a real eye opener for me. Another thing that struck me was realizing that saying NO provides such freedom for the other person, if I can just get over myself and not worry about hurting their feelings, it can provide a fertile container of new imaginings of what to do together! I felt some hard NO’s this week in my body and had the courage to just say it. The freedom here was realizing that I am actually SERVING them as well by saying NO.
“This workshop brought clarity to why I don’t ask for what I want. Looking forward to practicing what I learned!”
“I learned how to drop into my body and how to give and receive touch wholeheartedly.”
“Feeling engaged, empowered, and enlightened after taking this workshop!”
“I’ve learned the language of relationship in lots of different ways, but this was more like learning the notes or the letters I didn’t know I was missing! A few big AHAs for me for sure.”

Register Now and Join us in the Circle!

The Online Wheel of Consent: An Embodiment Practice for more Joyful Connection
from $350.00


About Amy Weissfeld, she/her

I am deeply passionate about healing the world through pleasure, about truth in relating, about choice and voice, about empowerment and about joyful living.  As a certified somatic sex educator and coach, I provide a compassionate, body-based approach to sexual health and wellness - a sort of sex therapy for the body. Because knowing yourself and your own body makes you happy and whole. It also makes for better community and a healthier planet.

Want to know more? Read my blog posting about My Connection to the Wheel of Consent.

Refunds, less service fees, available 7 days prior to event.