Celebrating Pleasure

A Sacred, Sex Positive Circle for Women

Women - ALL women are welcome! This means women across the vast gender spectrum, including trans-women, women of all ages, women of all sexual orientations, women of all races, women born in any country and here for any reason. You are welcome in this circle. Please, come as you are.

7-9pm, the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Good Medicine Tea Lounge (now the Hood River Foundation of Vibrant Living) in Hood River, OR

Tuesdays, Feb 19th, March 19th, April 16th
Cost: By Donation - Please pay what you can or what you feel this is worth. 


I’m finally pulling the trigger and offering the women’s group I’ve been meaning to get to for a few years now. Why? As you’ve probably noticed, this isn’t a good time to be a woman in America. And lately I’ve been feeling like all the soul-filling work I do as a somatic sex educator and coach is a teeny tiny drop in a huge and overwhelmingly deep well of need and sorrow. Women, men and all the rainbow of genders in between have been harmed by, and caused harm in the name of, the toxic culture of sex negativity, shaming, denial and unhealthy masculinity / patriarchy that victimizes and silences voice and choice.

So if you’re looking for more freedom and less shame in your sex life, this is it! An opportunity to come together in sisterhood. I will offer a different theme each month to explore our sexual lives, leaving room for Q&A either within the group or in private.  This will also be a time to quiet down, focus on being embodied and learn to listen to our deepest body wisdom. Using guided meditation, group discussion, and self awareness exercises in a safe and supportive circle, we will honor each other and reconnect to feminine wisdom, pleasure and passion in all areas of our lives. 

Something magical happens when we share our stories with each other. When we tell the truth about our lives, from our hearts, we honor and heal each other. We also mirror and validate the feminine wisdom we each carry, our beauty, our voice, our wildness, our wounding and our strength.

Please reach out if you have any questions at all. Otherwise, I hope to welcome you, wherever you are in your life, to this sacred, sex positive circle.