From #METOO To #WECONSENTED: Reclaiming The Pleasure Of Consent

Lately I’ve been feeling like all the good work, the soul-filling work, I do as a somatic sex educator and coach is a teeny tiny drop in a huge and overwhelmingly deep well of need and sorrow. Women, men and all the rainbow of genders in between have been harmed by, and caused harm in the name of, the toxic culture of sex negativity, shaming, denial and unhealthy masculinity / patriarchy that victimizes and silences voice and choice. Between #MeToo, and the macabre spectacle of Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS nomination, I felt trapped in a nightmare.
So when my daughter sent me this article, I was really not in the mood to read it.
Then came Bill Cosby’s sentencing and I felt my body expand - breathing again. And the fact that this article has the word pleasure in it helped me finally take the time to read it. I’m so grateful to the author and to my daughter for sharing this with me. And it brings me much joy and great pleasure to share it with you. I’d like to live in a world of #weconsentedanditwasdelicious. If you would too, read on!

Amy Weissfeld